Geoengineering technologies and approaches
Geoengineering technologies and approaches broadly fall into two categories, Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR).
Most are hypothetical proposals that exist only in research papers and modelling studies, others are already being tested and commercialised by various geoengineering advocates.
We are keeping close track of each of them – select a technology below to access more information about it, including the latest project updates and a printable briefing.
For more background, see: What is Geoengineering? and Reasons to Oppose.

Filter Technologies

Artificial Upwelling

Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage


Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon Capture Use and Storage

Cirrus Cloud Thinning

Direct Air Capture

Enhanced Photosynthesis

Enhanced Weathering

Marine Cloud Brightening

Microbubbles and Sea Foam

Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Ocean Fertilisation

Seaweed Farming and Biomass Sinking

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection

Surface Albedo Modification and Arctic Ice Management

Weather Modification
The Geoengineering Map
With over 1,700 entries, this up-to-date interactive world map exposes the alarming expansion of geoengineering experiments and commercial-scale projects, including Carbon Dioxide Removal and Solar Radiation Management schemes.