What is Geoengineering Monitor?


Geoengineering Monitor aims to be an up-to-date source of information and critical perspectives on climate engineering. Our goal is to serve as a resource for civil society, policy-makers, journalists and the wider public in order to support advocacy work that opposes geoengineering and aims to address the root causes of climate change instead.

Our editors regularly post news and resources about the development of geoengineering technologies and their anticipated effects, as well as the projects and companies behind them, and the political and governance context they exist within. When dangerous real-world implementations of geoengineering move forward, we amplify the voices of those standing in their way and connect our readers to opportunities for collective action.

Geoengineering Monitor is a collaboration between ETC Group, Biofuelwatch and the Heinrich Boell Foundation.

Contact us

Got a good story or update about climate engineering? You can contact us via email on editor[at]geoengineeringmonitor[dot]org, or through X using @GeoEngMon.

Legal Notice / Impressum

This is an impressum according to German law and in accordance with § 5 TMG, § 55 RstV.

Liability for the contents on this website lies with

ETC Headquarters
5961 Jeanne-Mance
Montréal, QC H2V 4K9
Phone: +1 873-649-2028

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung e.V. (Heinrich Böll Foundation)
Schumannstraße 8
10117 Berlin
Phone: +49 (30) 285 34-0

The following persons are legally responsible for our websites:

Responsible according to § 18 para. 2 MStV, § 5 TMG

Oliver Munnion
Phone: +1 514-516-5759